Great mystery

“A little later, Einstein wrote that the Creator does cast the dice but on his own terms. That sounds a little better. I would just suggest the dice be cast by the thrower. There’s no need to burden God’s hand.”

Go on a Journey

“Changes in non-living matter had a purpose. The development of life. The evolution of living organisms also had a purpose. That’s us. What strategic thought guides the development of humans? Is this just the next step? And if so, what is the purpose of it? And what happens after that? Like I said before, if you don’t know, just say it out loud. Consider it done. It’s like expecting an owl—this animal is widely regarded to be wise—to know that it was ultimately about us. Besides, who on earth could have guessed that the apes would be the closest? This reminds me of La Fontaine’s famous fable… The important thing is, we know what we need to focus on in the meantime. So, stop gathering wool—just roll up your sleeves and evolve.”

“Irony is the hygiene of the mind”
Elisabeth Bibesco

Explore the Book


"This book is written in such a way that any willing reader should be capable of absorbing it. That was the plan, anyway. You may not agree with my ideas, but you should be able to understand them (provided you make some effort). Because of the subject, it can probably be classified as somewhat of a philosophical work—without ambition for any scientific recognition. (I rhyme a little, but the rhythm—have mercy, Lord!)"


"To see this, all you have to do is take a good look at how Nature works. No, not the one we like to spend time in, with flowers in the meadow, birds chirping, and lions ripping their prey to shreds. I mean the all-powerful one, spelled with a capital N, that is everywhere and runs everything. As soon as you do, you will inevitably conclude that it works in an absolutely perfect and yet incredibly simple way."


"In the case of life, there’s a cycle again. (...) Something is born, grows, and then dies, only to be reborn and continue to grow. In contrast, imagine that biological life has no end. Such a prospect, at least at first glance, would probably please many of us (unless you work in the funeral industry). A second glance, however, would probably leave many people depressed. We could conclude that we don't exist at all. Who would want to make us, and what for?"


"Who or what is a human? I ask this question in two variants because some believe that a human is some sort of machine or device. (...) The proponents of this concept argue that we are nothing but a bunch of atoms. All the processes that take place in and around us are their work alone. They claim that there is no significant distinction between a saddle, a horse, and a rider. The only difference lies in the complexity of the operations each machine needs to handle."


"Everything had its beginning a long time ago. People started to analyze the surrounding reality. They considered it possible that some nonmaterial part of them doesn't die for good, but instead travels to the great Beyond. But what can you do to make sure you don’t miss the trip? And how do you get there? If there is a demand, there is always a service provider. And the more interested customers, the richer the offer."


"People are the inevitable consequence of the developmental processes occurring in Nature. They continue to evolve, only at a higher level compared to their predecessors. I can’t imagine what other reason we would take up space on Earth for. If I’m right, one biological lifetime is clearly not enough for decent development. Especially when you remember that our starting positions are very different."


"There’s no such thing as collective interest. There is only the sum of individual interests. (...) When you live in a group, you have to coordinate your own desires with those of others (at least to some extent, because everybody takes care of their own stuff anyway). Alternatively, you can move to a sparsely populated area—or, following the example of a certain Robinson, to a place with no population at all."

Al Twostones

Al Twostones is the pen name of the author of this book. And that’s pretty much all we know about him.
“To raise my status as an author, let’s provisionally assume that I am the incarnation of Albert Einstein. I have compelling evidence that I am. Reading his famous sayings, I was amazed by how closely they match my own thoughts. Did I get a little too far about that Einstein scenario? Well, with some luck, it’s not entirely out of the question. Besides, this isn’t my idea. About two thousand years ago someone already suggested that the last will be the first and vice versa.”

“If this book becomes popular, I won’t despise a certain financial bonus resulting from that popularity. I am fully aware that the possession of surplus money invites various risks, such as burglary, ransom kidnapping, or—in the event that no third party is involved—possible destruction, usually mental, of the surplus holder. I will consider it, say, as an interesting experiment to what extent I’m going to be susceptible (or immune) to this destruction.”

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